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Soft Intelligence Lab, Ritsumeikan University
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Contact information

• Mailing address

Soft Intelligence Laboratory
Department of Human and Computer Intelligence
Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525-8577 Japan

• Phone and fax

Phone: +81 77-561-2861
Fax: +81 77-561-2861

• Email

For inquiries about research projects, please contact project members directly. For inquiries about our laboratory or website, please contact webmaster@spice.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp.


Soft intelligence laboratory is in the Biwako-kusatsu campus, Ritsumeikan University. If you are interested to visit our laboratory, please have a look of the following campus map.
From the bus terminal, please go rightward and then go down to the end of the street. You will see the Creation core building, indicated with red colour on the map. We are located on the third floor of the building.
